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Professor, Cullen Trust for Higher Education Professorship in Engineering
(No. 7)
Graduate Advisor and Associate Chairman,
Department of Electrical and Computer
The University of Texas at Austin
Citizenship: USA
Oklahoma State University B.S.
1979 (Physics and Mathematics; with Honors)
California Institute of Technology M.S. 1981 (Applied Physics)
California Institute of Technology
Ph.D. 1984 (Applied Physics)
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Jan. 1984 - Aug.
Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 1988- Aug. 1992
Full Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Sept. 1992-present
* 1984 Marconi International Fellowship Young Scientist Award "for
contributions to the development of millimeter wave integrated circuits
especially in the areas of detectors and imaging arrays."
* Listed in the Second Edition of Who's Who in Frontiers of Science and
Technology, 5th Edition of Who's Who in Technology Today, 1994
American Men & Women of Science; 1985 Outstanding Young Man of
America, 1989 Outstanding Young Man of America.
* 1984-85 Engineering Foundation Faculty Award, University of Texas at Austin
Engineering Foundation Advisory Council.
* 1985-90 General Motors Foundation Centennial Teaching Fellowship, University
of Texas at Austin.
* 1985-86 IBM Corporation Faculty Development Award
* 1986 National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator.
* 1987 Award for Outstanding Engineering Teaching by an Assistant Professor,
College of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.
* 1990-1992 Temple Foundation Endowed Faculty Fellowship (No. 1), University
of Texas at Austin.
* 1992-present Cullen Trust for Higher Education Professorship in Engineering
(No. 7), University of Texas.
* 1997 College of Engineering Award for Outstanding Teaching in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at Austin.
Professional Societies:
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
* Associate Editor for Solid State and VLSI Electronics, IEEE Transactions
on Education (March 1991- Oct. 1994)
Graduate Student Financial Aid, Sept. 1984- Sept. 1987
Faculty Recruiting, Sept. 1984- Aug. 1985
Microelectronics Jr. Faculty Recruiting, Sept. 1985- Sept. 1987 (chairman)
ECE Safety Committee, Sept. 1985- Aug. 1993 (chairman, 1985-89)
ECE Electronics Shop Coordinating Committee, March 1986- Aug. 1993
Solid State Electronics Area Graduate Advisor, Aug. 1986- Aug. 89
ECE Space Allocation Committee, Sept. 1989-Aug. 1993 (chairman)
ECE Facilities Committee, Sept. 1993- Aug. 1996 (chairman)
ECE Areas Committee, Electromagnetics/Acoustics, Sept. 1993-present
ECE Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Undergraduate Curriculum, Jan. 1995- Aug. 1995
ECE World Wide Web Home Page Committee, Sept. 1995-Aug. 1996
ECE Ad Hoc Committee to Review the Undergraduate Curriculum, Jan. 1997- Aug. 1997
ECE Areas Committee, Materials and Quantum Electronics, Sept. 1993-present; chairman, Sept. 1996-present
Chair of ECE Graduate Studies Committee, May 1998-present
ECE Chair’s council, November 1999-present
ECE Graduate Advisor, Sept. 1999-present
ECE Associate Chair, Sept. 2001-present
Engineering Scholastic Appeals, Sept. 1984- Aug. 1985
Engineering Safety Committee, Sept. 1985- Aug. 1994 (chairman, Sept. 1989-Aug. 1994)
Aerospace Engineering Machine Shop, Sept. 1989-Aug. 1993
College Annual Report Quality Team, Jan. 1994- Aug. 1994
College Multimedia Committee, Sept. 1995-present
Equal Opportunity in Engineering (EOE) Program, 1995-Dec. 1996
Presidential Ad Hoc Committee on Research Infrastructure Enhancement, Jan. 1988 - Aug. 1994
Research Safety Advisory Committee, Oct. 1991-present (chairman, Sept. 1996-present)
Ad Hoc Consultative Committee for the Selection of a Dean of the College of Engineering, Nov. 1995-May 1996
Faculty Building Advisory Committee, Sept. 1995-Aug. 2000
Ad Hoc Project Committee for Parking Garage # 4A, Sept. 1996-Aug. 2000
Faculty Council, Aug. 1996-Aug. 2000
Faculty Budget Advisory Committee, Sept. 99-Aug. 2000
Graduate Assembly, April 1997- Aug. 2000; Sept. 2001-present
Administrative sub-committee of GA, Sept. 1997-Aug. 1998
Academic sub-committee of GA, Sept. 1998-Aug. 2000; Sept. 2001-present
of Distinguished Teachers selection committee, academic year 1999-2000
Graduate Adviser selection committee, academic
year 1999-2000
Outstanding Graduate Coordinator selection committee, academic year 1999-2000
1. D.P. Neikirk and R.C.Powell, "Laser Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
of Host-Sensitized Energy Transfer in Bi4Ge3012:Er3+ Crystals,"
J. Lumin., vol. 20, 1979, pp.261- 270.
2. R.C. Powell, D.P. Neikirk, J.M. Flaherty, and J.G. Gualtieri, "Lifetime
Measurements, Infrared and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy of NdP5014,"
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, vol. 41, 1980, pp. 345-350.
3. R.C. Powell, D.P. Neikirk, and D. Sadar, "Radiationless Decay Processes
of Nd3+ Ions in Solids," J. Opt. Soc. Am., vol.70
(5), May 1980, pp. 486-490.
4. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, M.S. Muha, H. Park, and C.X. Yu, "Far-Infrared
Imaging Antenna Arrays," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 40 (3), l February
1982, pp. 203-205.
5. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, M.S. Muha, H. Park, and C.X. Yu,"Progress
in Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Imaging Antenna Arrays," Proc.
Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Eng., vol. 317, 1981, pp. 206-211.
6. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, P.P. Tong, H. Park, and P.E. Young, "Imaging
Antenna Array at 119um," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. (41), 15 August
1982, pp. 329-331.
7. D.P. Neikirk and D.B. Rutledge, "Self-Heated Thermocouples for Far-Infrared
Detection," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 41, (5), 1 September 1982,
pp. 400-402
8. P.P. Tong, D.P. Neikirk, D. Psaltis, D.B. Rutledge, K. Wagner, and P.E.
Young, "Tracking Antenna Arrays for Near- Millimeter Waves," IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP- 31, May, 1983, pp. 512-515.
9. D.P. Neikirk and D.B Rutledge, "Air-Bridge Microbolometer for Far-Infrared
Detection," Appl. Phys. Lett. 44,15 Jan. 1984, pp. 153-155.
10. P.P. Tong, D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, P.E. Young, W.A. Peebles, N.C.
Luhmann, Jr., "Imaging Polarimeter Arrays for Near-Millimeter Waves,"
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-32, March 1984, pp. 507-512.
11. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, and W. Lam, "Far-Infrared
Microbolometer Detectors," Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves
5, March 1984, pp. 245-277.
12. D.P. Neikirk and D.B. Rutledge, "Far-Infrared Imbedding Impedance
Measurements," Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 5, July
1984, pp. 1017-1026.
13. P.E. Young, D.P. Neikirk, P.P. Tong, D.B. Rutledge, and N.C. Luhmann,
Jr., "Multichannel far-infrared phase imaging for fusion plasmas,"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56, Jan. 1985, pp. 81-89.
14. P.E. Young, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., R.J. Taylor, D.P. Neikirk, and D.B. Rutledge,
"Far-infrared imaging of tokamak plasma," Rev. Sci. Instrum.
56, May 1985, pp. 903-904.
15. Y. Fukuoka, Q. Zhang, D. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Analysis of multilayer
interconnection lines for a high speed digital integrated circuit,"
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT- 33, June 1985, pp. 527-532.
16. N. Song, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Modeling of Ion-implanted
GaAs MESFETs by the Finite Element Method," IEEE Electron Device
Lett. EDL-7, April 1986, pp.208-210.
17. V. P. Kesan, D. P. Neikirk, B. G. Streetman, and P. A. Blakey, "A
New Transit Time Device Using Quantum Well Injection," IEEE Electron
Device Lett. EDL-8, April 1987, pp. 129-131.
18. A.C. Cambell, V.P. Kesan, G.E. Crook, C.M. Maziar, D.P. Neikirk, and
B.G. Streetman, "Impedance Switching Effects in GaAs/AlAs Barrier Structures,"
Electronics Letters 23, Aug 27, 1987, pp. 926-927.
19. Y.D. Lin, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Coplanar Waveguide Phase
Shifter Controlled by a Spatially Periodic Optical Illumination," Int.
J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 8, Sept. 1987, pp. 1027-1036.
20. C.W. Farley, G.E. Crook, V.P. Kesan, T.R. Block, H.A. Stevens, T.J.
Mattord, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Substrate Rotation and
Carbon Generation in a Molecular Beam Epitaxy System," J. Vac. Science
Tech. B, Sept./Oct. 1987, pp. 1374-1376.
21. V. P. Kesan, D. P. Neikirk, T. D. Linton, P. A. Blakey, and B. G. Streetman,
of Transit Time Effects on the Optimum Design and Maximum Oscillation Frequency
of Quantum Well Oscillators," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices ED-35,
April 1988, pp. 405-413.
22. A.C. Campbell, V.P. Kesan, G.E. Crook, C.M. Maziar, D.P. Neikirk, and
B.G. Streetman, "Capacitive Hysteresis Effects in 5.0nm Single and
Double Barrier AlAs Tunneling Structures Grown by MBE," J. Vac.
Science Tech. B 6, Mar/Apr 1988, pp. 651-656.
23. V.P. Kesan, A. Mortazawi, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Monolithic
Millimeter-Wave Oscillator using a Transmission Line Periodically Loaded
by QWITT Diodes," Electronics Letters , May 26, 1988, pp. 666-667.
24. T.J. Mattord, V.P. Kesan, G.E. Crook, T.R. Block, A.C. Campbell, D.P.
Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Baffle-free Refractory Dimer Source for
Molecular Beam Epitaxy," J. Vac Sci. Technol. B 6, Nov./Dec.
1988, pp. 1667-1670.
25. V.P. Kesan, A. Dodabalapur, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Growth
and Rapid Thermal Annealing of AlGaAs/InGaAs Pseudomorphic Modulation-doped
Structures," Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 22 Aug. 1988, pp. 681-683.
26. T.J. Mattord, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "A
Single-filament Effusion Cell with Reduced Thermal Gradient for Molecular
Beam Epitaxy," J. Vac Sci. Technol. B 7, Mar/Apr 1989, pp. 214-216.
27. A. Dodabalapur, V.P. Kesan, T.R. Block, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman,
"Optical and Electrical Characterization of Pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs
Modulation-doped Structures Processed by Rapid Thermal Annealing,"
J. Vac Sci. Technol. B 7, March/April 1989, pp. 380-383.
28. V.P. Kesan, A. Mortazawi, D.R. Miller, T.Itoh, B.G. Streetman, and D.P.
Neikirk, "Microwave Frequency Operation of the Quantum Well Injection
Transit Time (QWITT) Diode," Electronics Letters , 24 Nov. 1988,
pp. 1473-1474.
29. C.S. Kyono, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, C.M. Maziar, and B.G. Streetman,
"Dependence of Apparent Barrier Height on Barrier Thickness for Perpendicular
Transport in AlAs/GaAs Single Barrier Structures Grown by MBE," Appl.
Phys. Lett. 54, 6 Feb. 1989, pp. 549-551.
30. R. L. Rogers and D. P. Neikirk, "Use of Broadside Twin Element
Antennas to Increase Efficiency on Electrically Thick Dielectric Substrates,"
Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 9, Nov. 1988, pp. 949-969.
31. R. L. Rogers and D. P. Neikirk, "Radiation Properties of Slot and
Dipole Elements on Layered Substrates," Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter
Waves 10, June 1989, pp. 697-728.
32. A. Dodabalapur, V.P. Kesan, D.R. Hinson, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman,
"Photoluminescence Studies of Pseudomorphic modulation-doped AlGaAs/
InGaAs/ GaAs Quantum Wells," Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 24 April
1989, pp. 1675-1677.
33. A.C. Campbell, V.P. Kesan, T.R. Block, G.E. Crook, D.P. Neikirk, and
B.G. Streetman, "Influence of MBE Growth Temperature on GaAs/AlAs Resonant
Tunneling Structures," Journal of Electronic Materials 18, 1989,
pp. 585-588.
34. S. M. Wentworth, D. P. Neikirk, and C. R. Brahce, "The
High Frequency Characteristics of Tape Automated Bonding (TAB) Interconnects,"
IEEE. Trans. Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Tech. 12, Sept.
1989, pp. 340-347.
35. V.P. Kesan, A. Mortazawi, D.R. Miller, V.K. Reddy, D.P. Neikirk, and
T. Itoh, "Microwave
and Millimeter Wave QWITT Diode Oscillators," IEEE Trans. Microwave
Theory Tech. MTT-37 , Dec. 1989, pp. 1933-1941.
36. P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "A Schottky-Biased, Optically-Controlled
Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifter," Electronics Letters 25, Sept.
14, 1989, pp. 1301-1302.
37. S. M. Wentworth and D. P. Neikirk, "Far Infrared Microbolometers
made with Tellurium and Bismuth," Electronics Letters 25, Nov.
9, 1989, pp. 1558-1560.
38. A. Dodabalapur, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Photoluminescence
and Electroreflectance Studies of Modulation-Doped Pseudomorphic AlGaAs/
InGaAs/ GaAs Quantum Wells," Journal of Electronic Materials 19,
1990, pp. 265-270.
39. P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Optically Controlled Coplanar
Waveguide Phase Shifters," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. MTT-38
, May 1990, pp. 586-595.
40. S.M. Wentworth, R.L. Rogers, J.G. Heston, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh,
"Millimeter Wave Twin Slot Antennas on Layered Substrates," Int.
J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 11, Feb. 1990, pp. 111-131.
41. J.G. Heston, J.M. Lewis, S.M. Wentworth, and D.P. Neikirk, "Twin
slot antenna structures integrated with microbolometer detectors for 94
GHz imaging," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 4,
no. 1, Jan. 5, 1991, pp. 15-19.
42. R.L Rogers, S.M. Wentworth, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "A twin
slot antenna on a layered substrate coupled to a microstrip feed line,"
Int. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 11, no. 10, October 1990, pp.
43. T.Y. Chu, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Properties and Applications
of AlxGa1-xAs Grown at Low Temperatures," J. Crystal Growth 111,
1991, pp. 26-29.
44. V.K. Reddy, A.J. Tsao, and D.P. Neikirk, "High Peak-to-Valley Current
Ratio AlGaAs/AlAs/GaAs Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes," Electronics
Letters 26, Oct. 11, 1990, pp. 1742-1744.
45. A.J. Tsao, V.K. Reddy, and D.P. Neikirk, "Epitaxial
Liftoff of AlAs/GaAs Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling Diodes,"
Electronics Letters 27, March 14, 1991, pp. 484-486.
46. D.R. Miller and D. P. Neikirk, "Simulation of Intervalley Mixing
in Double Barrier Diodes Using the Lattice Wigner Function," Appl.
Phys. Lett. 58, 17 June 1991, pp. 2803-2805.
47. M.S. Islam, A.J. Tsao, V.K. Reddy, and D.P. Neikirk, "GaAs on Quartz
Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifter," IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave
Letters 1, Nov. 1991, pp. 328-330.
48. S.M. Wentworth and D.P. Neikirk, "Composite Microbolometers with
Tellurium Detector Elements," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.
MTT-40, no. 2, Feb. 1992, pp. 196-201.
49. T.D. Linton, Jr., P.A. Blakey, and D.P. Neikirk, "The impact of
three-dimensional effects on EEPROM cell performance," IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices 39, April 1992, pp. 843-850.
50. V.K. Reddy and D.P. Neikirk, "Influence of Growth Interruption
on I - V Characteristics of AlAs/GaAs Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling
Diodes," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, Mar/Apr 1992, pp. 1045-1047.
51. A.J. Tsao, V.K. Reddy, D.R.Miller, K.K. Gullapalli, and D.P. Neikirk,
"The effect of barrier thickness asymmetries on the electrical characteristics
of AlAs/GaAs double barrier resonant tunneling diodes," J. Vac.
Sci. Technol. B 10, Mar/Apr 1992, pp. 1042-1044.
52. T.R. Block, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Photoluminescence
study of the effects of growth interruption on integer and fractional monolayer
AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wells," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 10, Mar/Apr
1992, pp. 832-834.
53. Emre Tuncer and Dean P. Neikirk, "Highly
Accurate Quasi-Static Modeling of Microstrip Lines Over Lossy Substrates,"
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 2, Oct. 1992, pp. 409-411.
54. S. Javalagi, V. Reddy, K. Gullapalli, and D. Neikirk, "High
efficiency microwave diode oscillators," Electronics Letters
28, 27 August 1992, pp. 1699-1701.
55. K. K. Gullapalli, A. J. Tsao, and D. P. Neikirk, "Multiple
self-consistent solutions at zero bias and multiple conduction curves in
quantum tunneling diodes containing N- - N+ - N-
spacer layers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 7 June 1993, pp. 2971-2973.
56. K. K. Gullapalli, A. J. Tsao, and D. P. Neikirk, "Experimental
observation of multiple current - voltage curves and zero-bias memory in
quantum well diodes with N- - N+ - N- spacer
layers," Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 31 May 1993, pp. 2856-2858.
57. V. K. Reddy and D. P. Neikirk, "High breakdown voltage AlAs/InGaAs
quantum barrier varactor diodes," Electronics Letters 29, 4
March 1993, pp. 464-466.
58. T. R. Block, D. P. Neikirk, and B. G. Streetman, "Molecular-beam
epitaxial growth condition dependence of reflection high-energy electron
diffraction dampening and quantum well photoluminescence," J. Vac.
Sci. Technol. B 11, May/June 1993, pp. 791-794.
59. Y. C. Albert Shih, D. P. Neikirk, B. G. Streetman, and C. W. Magee "Effects
of As flux on Si d-doped GaAs," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 11,
May/June 1993, pp. 905-907.
60. T. J. Mattord, K. Sadra, A. Srinivasan, A. Tang, T. R. Block, Y. C.
Albert Shih, D. P. Neikirk, and B. G. Streetman, "Real-time flux monitoring
and feedback control of a valved arsenic source," J. Vac. Sci. Technol.
B 11, May/June 1993, pp. 1050-1052.
61. M. Saiful Islam, Emre Tuncer and Dean P. Neikirk, "Calculation
of Conductor Loss in Coplanar Waveguide using Conformal Mapping," Electronics
Letters 29, 24 June 1993, pp. 1189-1191.
62. Emre Tuncer and Dean P. Neikirk, "Efficient Calculation of Surface
Impedance for Rectangular Conductors," Electronics Letters 29,
25 Nov. 1993, pp. 2127-2128.
63. K. Sadra, A. Srinivasan, D. P. Neikirk, and B. G. Streetman, "Speed
and Efficiency in Multiple p-i-n Photodetectors," IEEE J. Lightwave
Technol. 11, December 1993, pp. 2052-2056.
64. K. K. Gullapalli, D. R. Miller, and D. P. Neikirk, "Simulation
of quantum transport in memory-switching double-barrier quantum-well diodes,"
Phys. Rev. B (Condensed Matter) 49, 15 January 1994, pp. 2622-2628.
65. M. Saiful Islam, Emre Tuncer and Dean P. Neikirk, "Accurate
Model for Schottky-Contacted Coplanar Waveguide Including Finite Epilayer
Resistance Effects," Electronics Letters 30, 28 April
1994, pp. 712-713.
66. Emre Tuncer, B.-T. Lee, M. S. Islam, and D. P. Neikirk, "Quasi-Static
Conductor Loss Calculations in Transmission Lines using a New Conformal
Mapping Technique," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 42,
September 1994, pp. 1807-1815.
67. Youngmin Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Micromachined
Fabry-Perot Cavity Pressure Transducer," IEEE Photonics Technology
Letters 7, Dec. 1995, pp. 1471-1473.
68. Youngmin Kim and Dean P. Neikirk, "Design
for Manufacture of Micro Fabry-Perot Cavity-based Sensors," Sensors
and Actuators A 50, Jan. 1996, pp. 141-146.
69. I. Busch-Vishniac, C. S. Chu, S. Flagg, V. Gupta, C. Hearn, Y. Kim,
P. Koeneman, W. Maddox, D. Masser, D. Neikirk, W. Weldon, H. Wells, and
K. Wood, "Smart Hydrodynamic Bearings with Embedded MEMS Devices,"
Journal of Tribology, submitted 3/96, 1996.
70. Beom-Taek Lee, Sangwoo Kim, Emre Tuncer, and Dean P. Neikirk, "Effective
Internal Impedance Method for Series Impedance Calculations of Lossy Transmission
Lines: Comparison to Standard Impedance Boundary Condition," submitted
to: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, June 1997.
71. John J. Lavigne, Steve Savoy, Marvin B. Clevenger, Jason E.
Richie, Bridget McDoniel, Seung-Jin Yoo, Eric V. Anslyn, John T. McDevitt,
Jason B. Shear, and Dean Neikirk, “Solution-Based Analysis of Multiple
Analytes by a Sensor Array: Toward the Development of an ‘Electronic
Tongue’,” Journal of the American
Chemical Society, vol. 120, July, 1998, pp. 6429-6430.
72. K. L. Wood, D. Neikirk, I.
Busch-Vishniac, W. Weldon, C.-S. Chu, Y. Kim, V. Gupta, W. Maddox, and D. Masser,
“MEMs hydrodynamic bearings: Applications to and implications for machine
failure prevention,” TriboTest, vol.
4, pp. 275-288, 1998.
73. R. J. Friar and D. P. Neikirk, “Limitations on the Extraction of Loss
Tangent from Submicron Transmission Line Test Structures,” IEEE
TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING, vol. 23, p. 393, August 2000.
74. Adrian Goodey, John J. Lavigne, Steve M. Savoy, Marc
Rodriguez, Theodore Curey, Andrew
Tsao, Glen Simmons, John Wright ,
Seung-Jin Yoo, Youngsoo Sohn, Eric V. Anslyn, Jason B. Shear, Dean P. Neikirk,
John T. McDevitt, "Development of Multi-analyte Sensor Arrays
Composed of Chemically Derivatized Polymeric Microspheres Localized in
Micromachined Cavities," J. Am. Chem. Soc., submitted.
75. Curey, Theodore E.; Goodey, Adrian; Tsao, Andrew;
Lavigne, John; Sohn, Youngsoo; McDevitt, John T.; Anslyn, Eric V.; Neikirk,
Dean; Shear, Jason B, “Characterization of multicomponent monosaccharide
solutions using an enzyme-based sensor array,” ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY 293
(2): pp. 178-184 JUN 15 2001.
76. Goodey, Adrian; Lavigne, John J.; Savoy, Steve M.;
Rodriguez, Marc D.; Curey, Theodore; Tsao, Andrew; Simmons, Glen; Wright, John;
Yoo, Seung-Jin; Sohn, Youngsoo; Anslyn, Eric V.; Shear, Jason B.; Neikirk, Dean
P.; McDevitt, John T., “Development of multianalyte sensor arrays composed of
chemically derivatized polymeric microspheres localized in micromachined
cavities,” JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 123 (11): pp. 2559-2570
MAR 21 2001.
77. N. Christodoulides, M. Tran, P. Floriano, M. Rodriguez, A. Goodey, M. Ali, D. Neikirk, and J, McDevitt, “A novel Microchip-based Multi-Analyte Assay System for the Assessment of Cardiac Risk,” accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry, 2/2002.
1. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, M.S. Muha, H. Park, and C.-X. Yu, "Progress
in Millimeter-Wave Integrated-Circuit Imaging Arrays," SPIE Conf. on
Integrated Optics and Millimeter and Microwave Integrated Circuits, Huntsville,
Alabama, November, 1981.
2. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, M.S. Muha, H. Park, and C.-X. Yu, "Imaging
Antenna Arrays," 6th Int. Conf. on Inf. and Millimeter Waves, Miami
Beach, Florida, December, 1981, p. Th-4-1.
3. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, H. Park, C.-X. Yu, W.A. Peebles and N.C.
Luhmann, Jr., "Development of Imaging Arrays for Poloidal Field Determination
and Holographic Imaging of Plasmas," Proc. of U.S.A. - Japan Workshop
on Submillimeter Diagnostic Techniques, Nagoya, US-J FRC-006, p. 60, January,
4. D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge, P.E. Young, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., H. Park,
W.A. Peebles, and C.-X. Yu,"Far-Infrared Imaging Systems for the Determination
of Fusion Plasma Density and Magnetic Field Distributions," Department
of Energy Workshop on Magnetic Field Measurements, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,
April, 1982.
5. P. Young, Q.-X. Yu, W.A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., D.P. Neikirk, D.B.
Rutledge, and P. Tong, "Far-Infrared Imaging," Digest 7th Int.
Conf. on Inf. and Millimeter Waves, Marseille, France, February, 1983, p.
6. D.P. Neikirk, P.P. Tong, D.B. Rutledge, and P.E. Young, "Progress
in Far-Infrared Imaging Arrays," 7th Int. Conf. on Inf. and Millimeter
Waves, Marseille, France, February, 1983, p. J3-3.
7. P.E. Young, W.A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., R.J. Taylor, D.P. Neikirk,
D.B. Rutledge, and P.P. Tong, "Simultaneous FIR Interferometry/Polarimetry
in the UCLA Microtor Plasma," 8th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Miami, Florida, December, 1983.
8. P.E. Young, W.A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., D.P. Neikirk, D.B. Rutledge,
and P.P. Tong, "Interferometric FIR Phase Imaging of a Tokamak Plasma,"
8th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Miami, Florida, December,
9. D.P. Neikirk and D.B. Rutledge, "Advances in Microbolometers,"
8th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Miami, Florida, December,
10. P.P. Tong, D.B. Rutledge, and D.P. Neikirk, "Polarization- sensitive
imaging arrays," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San
Francisco, Ca., May 29- June 1, 1984, pp. 542-544.
11. Y. Fukuaka, Q. Zhang, D. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Analysis of multilayer
interconnection lines for a high speed digital integrated circuit,"
IEEE VLSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference, June 21-22, 1984, pp. 246-251.
12. P. Young, D. Neikirk, C. Domier, P. Tong, W. Peebles, D. Rutledge, and
N. Luhmann, "Near-millimeter wave imaging," 9th Int. Conf. on
Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Takarazuka, Japan, Oct. 22-26, 1984, pp.
13. P. Cheung, D. Fun, D. Miller, C.-K.C. Tzuang, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh,
"Optically Controlled Coplanar Waveguide Millimeter Wave Phase Shifter,"
Tenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Lake Buena
Vista, FL, Dec. 9-13, 1985, pp.303-304.
14. N.U. Song, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Device Modeling and Characterization
of Ion-Implanted GaAs MESFET's by the Finite Element Method," 8th Colloquium
on Microwave Communication, Budapest, Hungary, August 26-29, 1986.
15. C.-K. Tzuang, P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Analysis of
an Optically Controlled CPW Phase Shifter Containing Laterally Non-uniform
Lossy Layers, Eleventh International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Pisa, Italy, Dec., 1986, pp. 127-129.
16. V. Kesan, D. P. Neikirk, and B G. Streetman, "A Proposed Quantum
Well Injection Transit Time Device (QWITT)," Second Topical Meeting
on Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics, Jan., 1987, pp. 66-68.
17. C.-K. Tzuang, D. Miller, T.-H. Wang, D. P. Neikirk, T. Itoh, P. Williams,
and M. Downer, "Picosecond Response of an Optically Controlled Millimeterwave
Phase Shifter," Second Topical Meeting on Picosecond Electronics and
Optoelectronics, Jan., 1987, pp. 182-184.
18. Y.-D. Lin, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Periodically Illuminated
CPW Phase Shifter," 12th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Dec. 14-18, 1987, pp. 93-94.
19. V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, T.D. Linton, P.A. Blakey, and B.G. Streetman,
"Influence of Transit Time Effects on the Optimum Design and Maximum
Oscillation Frequency of Quantum Well Oscillators," 12th International
Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Dec. 14-18, 1987, pp. 12-13.
20. P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Measurements of an Optically
Controlled Coplanar Waveguide Phase-Shifter," 12th International Conference
on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Dec. 14-18, 1987, pp. 91-92.
21. R.L. Rogers, D.P. Neikirk, and H. Ling, "Planar Matching of Antennas
on Electrically Thick Dielectric Substrates," 12th International Conference
on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Dec. 14-18, 1987, pp. 288-289.
22. V.P. Kesan,T.D. Linton,C.M. Maziar, D.P. Neikirk, P.A. Blakey, and B.G.
Streetman, "Power-optimized design of quantum well oscillators,"
1987 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Dec. 6-9, 1987, pp. 62-65.
23. S. M. Wentworth, D. P. Neikirk, and C. R. Brahce, "High Frequency
Characterization of Tape-Automated Bonding (TAB) Interconnects," SPIE
Advances in Semiconductors and Superconductors: Physics and Device Applications,
Conf. 947: Interconnection of High Speed and High Frequency Devices and
Systems, Newport Beach, CA, March 13-18, 1988. pp. 81-84.
24. D.R. Miller, V.P. Kesan, R.L. Rogers, C.M. Maziar, and D.P. Neikirk,
"Time Dependent Simulation of the Quantum Well Injection Transit Time
Diode," 13th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
R.J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE Vol. 1039, Dec. 5-9, 1988, pp. 5-6.
25. P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Experimental Performance
of a Periodically Illuminated Optically Controlled Coplanar Waveguide Phase
Shifter," 13th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, R.J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE Vol. 1039, Dec. 5-9, 1988, pp. 63-64.
26. R.L. Rogers, D.P. Neikirk, H. Ling, and T. Itoh, "Antennas on Electrically
Thick Multilayered Substrates," 13th International Conference on Infrared
and Millimeter Waves, R.J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE Vol. 1039, Dec. 5-9, 1988,
pp. 33-34.
27. A. Mortazawi, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Periodic
Monolithic Millimeter-Wave Quantum Well Oscillator," 13th International
Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, R.J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE Vol.
1039, Dec. 5-9, 1988, pp. 47-48.
28. V.P. Kesan, A. Mortazawi, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Microwave
and Millimeterwave QWITT Diode Oscillator," IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. 1, June 13-15, 1989, pp. 487-489.
29. P Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "An Optically Controlled Coplanar
Waveguide Phase-Shifter," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Digest, Vol. 1, June 13-15, 1989, pp. 307-309.
30. A. Mortazawi, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "A Self Oscillating
QWITT Diode Mixer," 19th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 4-7,
1989, pp. 715-718.
31. R.L. Rogers, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Impedance Measurements
and Calculations of a Microstrip-fed Slot Antenna on a Multilayered Electrically
Thick Dielectric Substrate," 19th European Microwave Conference, Sept.
4-7, 1989, pp. 167-171.
32. S.M Wentworth, R.L. Rogers, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "A Twin
Slot Antenna Structure on a Layered Substrate for Millimeter Wave Imaging
Arrays," 14th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
M. von Ortenberg, Editor, SPIE Vol. 1240, Oct. 2-6, 1989, pp. 399-400.
33. S.M.Wentworth, R.L. Rogers, J.G. Heston, and D.P. Neikirk, "Twin-slot
multi-layer substrate-supported antennas and detectors for terahertz imaging,"
First International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., March 5-6, 1990, pp. 201-213.
34. D.R. Miller, V.K. Reddy, and D.P. Neikirk, "Realistic Band Structure
Effects of GaAs/AlAs Quantum Well Diodes: Theory and Experiment," Proceedings
of the SPIE Symposium on Advances in Semiconductors and Superconductors:
High Speed Electronics and Device Scaling, SPIE Vol. 1288, San Diego, CA,
March 17-21, 1990, pp. 167-176.
35. P. Cheung, M.S. Islam, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Circuit Model
of Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifters on GaAs Substrates," Gallium Arsenide
Applications Symposium '90, Rome, Italy, April 19-20, 1990.
36. P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Measurements of an Optically
Controlled Co-Planar Waveguide Phase Shifter," Microwaves and Optronics
Conference and Exhibition on Ultra High Frequency Engineering (MIOP 90),
Stuttgart, West Germany, April 24-26, 1990.
37. S.M. Wentworth and D.P. Neikirk, "A Transition Edge Microbolometer
(TREMBOL) for Far-Infrared Detection," SPIE Conference on Superconductivity
Applications for Infrared and Microwave Devices, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 1292,
Orlando, FL, April 19-20, 1990.
38. M.S. Islam, P. Cheung, C.-Y. Chang, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Optically-Controlled
Tunable CPW Resonators," IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium
Digest, Vol. II, May 8-10, 1990, pp. 949-950.
39. S.M. Wentworth and D.P. Neikirk, "Far-Infrared Composite Microbolometers,"
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. III, May 8-10,
1990, pp. 1309-1310.
40. J.G. Heston, S.M. Wentworth, R.L. Rogers, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh,
"MM Wave /FIR Twin Slot Antenna Structures," AP-S International
Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, May, 1990.
41. T.Y. Chu, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Properties and Applications
of AlxGa1-xAs Grown at Low Temperatures," Fifth International Molecular
Beam Epitaxy Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug. 27-, 1990.
42. A. Mortazawi, D. Miller, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Small Signal
Measurements of the Microwave Impedance of QWITT Diodes," 20th European
Microwave Conference, Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 10-14, 1990, pp. 715-718.
43. V.K. Reddy, A.J. Tsao, S. Javalagi, D.R. Miller, and D.P. Neikirk, "Quantum
Well Injection Transit Time (QWITT) Diode Oscillators," 15th International
Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Richard J. Temkin, Editor,
SPIE vol. 1514, Dec. 10-14, 1990, pp. 88-90.
44. M.S. Islam, P. Cheung, D.P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Microwave response
of a coplanar waveguide phase shifter to pulsed optical illumination,"
15th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Richard
J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE vol. 1514, Dec. 10-14, 1990, pp. 484-486.
45. J.M. Lewis, D.P. Neikirk, and S.M. Wentworth, "Low growth temperature
GaAs microbolometers," 15th International Conference on Infrared and
Millimeter Waves, Richard J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE vol. 1514, Dec. 10-14,
1990, pp. 398-400.
46. C.S. Kyono, P. Cheung, C.J. Pinzone, N.D. Gerrard, T. Bustami, C.M.
Maziar, D.P. Neikirk, and R.D. Dupuis, "High gain, high speed InGaAs/InP
heterojunction bipolar transistors," 1990 IEEE International Electron
Devices Meeting, Dec. 1990.
47. Nanda Gopal, Dean P. Neikirk, and Lawrence T. Pillage, "Evaluating
RC-Interconnect using Moment-Matching Approximations," Conference Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Santa Clara,
CA, Nov. 10-14, 1991.
48. K.K. Gullapalli, D.R. Miller, and D.P. Neikirk, "Hybrid Boltzmann
Transport - Schrödinger Equation Model for Quantum Well Injection Transit
(QWITT) Diodes," 1991 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting,
Washington, DC, Dec. 8-11, 1991, pp. 18.5.1-18.5.4.
49. Douglas R. Miller and D.P. Neikirk, "Lattice Wigner simulations
of double barrier resonant tunneling devices," Third International
Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, The University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Mich., March 24-26, 1992, pp. 560-574.
50. Youngmin Kim, Wanjun Wang, Dean P. Neikirk, and Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac,
"Fabrication and characterization of a clover type position sensitive
photodetector," IEEE Instrumentation / Measurement Technology Conference,
New York NY, May 12-14, 1992.
51. Nanda Gopal, Emre Tuncer, Dean P. Neikirk, and Lawrence T. Pillage,
"Non-uniform lumping models for transmission line analysis," IEEE
Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, Tucson,
AZ, April 22-24, 1992, pp. 119-121.
52. K.K. Gullapalli and D.P. Neikirk, "Evaluating space charge resistance
in resonant tunneling diodes," 11th Annual Symposium on Electronic
Materials, Processing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 1-2, 1992.
53. D.R. Miller and D.P. Neikirk, "Realistic Lattice Wigner simulations
of double barrier resonant tunneling devices," 11th Annual Symposium
on Electronic Materials, Processing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX,
June 1-2, 1992.
54. V.K. Reddy, S. Javalagi, and D.P. Neikirk, "Molecular beam epitaxial
growth and characterization of double barrier resonant tunneling diodes
for microwave oscillator applications," 11th Annual Symposium on Electronic
Materials, Processing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 1-2, 1992.
55. Alwin J. Tsao, M.S. Islam, and D.P. Neikirk, "Epitaxial liftoff
of GaAs/AlGaAs thin film device structures for hybrid integration on silicon
and quartz substrates," 11th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials,
Processing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 1-2, 1992 (Best Student
Paper Award).
56. A.J. Tsao, K.K. Gullapalli, and D.P. Neikirk, "Effect of barrier
asymmetries in AlAs/GaAs double barrier resonant tunneling diodes: experiment
and numerical simulation," 11th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials,
Processing, and Characterization, Richardson, TX, June 1-2, 1992.
57. K.K. Gullapalli, A.J. Tsao, and D.P. Neikirk, "Observation
of zero-bias multi-state behavior in selectively doped two-terminal quantum
tunneling devices," 1992 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, Dec. 13-16, 1992, pp. 479-482.
58. D.R. Miller and D.P. Neikirk, "Lattice Wigner Simulations of Quantum
Devices," 1992 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, Dec. 13-16, 1992, pp. 561-564.
59. J.M. Lewis and D.P. Neikirk, "HiTc composite microbolometers using
YBCO," 17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves,
Richard J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE vol. 1929, Dec. 14-17, 1992, pp. 202-203.
60. V.K. Reddy and D.P. Neikirk, "AlAs/InAs heterojunction barrier
varactors," 17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter
Waves, Richard J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE vol. 1929, Dec. 14-17, 1992, pp.
61. A.J. Tsao, M. Saiful Islam, and D.P. Neikirk, "Hybrid integration
of millimeter wave devices using the epitaxial lift-off (ELO) technique,"
17th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Richard
J. Temkin, Editor, SPIE vol. 1929, Dec. 14-17, 1992, pp. 421-422.
62. M. Saiful Islam, Emre Tuncer and Dean P. Neikirk, "Accurate
Quasi-Static Model for Conductor Loss in Coplanar Waveguide," 1993
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Vol. II, pp. 959-962.
63. V. K. Reddy, S. Javalagi, and D.P. Neikirk, "AlAs/InGaAs Single
Barrier Diodes," 12th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing,
and Characterization, Austin, TX, June 7-8, 1993.
64. Y. Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Monolithically integrated optical pressure
microsensor," 12th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing,
and Characterization, Austin, TX, June 7-8, 1993.
65. K. K. Gullapalli and D. P. Neikirk, "Memory Switching Phenomena
in Quantum Well Diodes," 12th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials,
Processing, and Characterization, Austin, TX, June 7-8, 1993.
66. E. Tuncer, S. Y. Kim, L. T. Pillage and D. P. Neikirk, "A
new, efficient circuit model for microstrip lines including both current
crowding and skin depth effects" IEEE 2nd Topical Meeting on Electrical
Performance of Electronic Packaging, Monterey, CA, Oct. 20-22, 1993, pp.
67. S. Y. Kim, E. Tuncer, R. Gupta, B. Krauter, D. P. Neikirk, and L. T.
Pillage, "An Efficient Methodology for Extraction and Simulation of
Transmission Lines for Application Specific Electronic Modules," IEEE/ACM
International Conference on CAD - 93, Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 7-11, 1993,
pp. 58-65.
68. K. K. Gullapalli, D. R. Miller, and D. P. Neikirk, "Wigner-Poisson
simulation of memory switching heterostructure tunneling diodes,"
1993 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, DC, Dec. 5-8,
1993, pp. 109-112.
69. T. R. Block, K. G. Eyink, D. P. Neikirk, and B. G. Streetman, "Diffraction
condition dependence of RHEED dampening during MBE growth," Epitaxial
Growth Processes, Proc. SPIE Conf. on Optics, Electro-optics, and Laser
Applications, SPIE Vol. 2140, Los Angeles, CA, Jan. 26-27, 1994, pp. 10-24.
70. K. K. Gullapalli and D. P. Neikirk, "Incorporating spatially varying
effective-mass in the Wigner-Poisson model for AlAs/GaAs resonant-tunneling
diodes," Proceedings of the Third Annual International Workshop on
Computational Electronics, Portland, OR, May 18-20, 1994, pp. 171-174.
71. E. Tuncer, Beom-Taek Lee, and D. P. Neikirk, "Interconnect
Series Impedance Determination Using a Surface Ribbon Method" IEEE
3rd Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, Monterey,
CA, Nov. 2-4, 1994, pp. 250-252.
72. C. Hearn, W. Maddox, Y. Kim, V. Gupta, D. Masser, P. Koeneman, C. S.
Chu, I. Busch-Vishniac, D. Neikirk, W. Weldon, and K. Wood, "Smart Mechanical
Bearings Using MEMS Technology," ASME Energy and Environment EXPO
'95: Tribology Symposium 1995, editro: H. Masudi, Houstin, TX, Jan. 29 -
Feb. 1, 1995, pp. 1-10.
73. Y. Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Fabry
Perot Pressure Sensor," AVS 14th Annual Symposium on Electronic
Materials, Processing, and Characterization, Austin, Texas, June 6-7, 1995.
74. O. Hartin and D. P. Neikirk, "Memory Switching in RTDs," AVS
14th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing, and Characterization,
Austin, Texas, June 6-7, 1995.
75. V. Gupta and D. P. Neikirk, "Design and Fabrication of an Inductive
Proximity Sensor using a Two-Coil Planar Transformer on a Micromachined
Membrane," AVS 14th Annual Symposium on Electronic Materials, Processing,
and Characterization, Austin, Texas, June 6-7, 1995.
76. D. P. Neikirk, E. Tuncer, and B.-T. Lee, "The Use of Effective
Internal Impedance Approximations in Lossy Transmission Line Modeling,"
Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 95, The Universtity
of Washington, Seattle, Washington, July 24-28, 1995, p. 955.
77. D. P. Neikirk, M. S. Islam, and E. Tuncer, "Accurate Quasi-Static
Modeling of Transmission Lines on Semiconducting Substrates," Progress
in Electromagnetics Research Symposium PIERS 95, The Universtity of Washington,
Seattle, Washington, July 24-28, 1995, p. 929.
78. B. Krauter, D. P. Neikirk, and L. T. Pillage, "Sparse Partial Inductance
Matrix Formulation," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium
PIERS 95, The University of Washington,Seattle, Washington, 1995, p. 957.
79. O. Hartin, D. P. Neikirk, A. Anselm, and B. Streetman, "Design
and Fabrication of a Three Terminal Quantum Storage Device," 1995 IEEE/Cornell
Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor Devices and
Circuits, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, August 7-9, 1995, p. 4.15.
80. K. L. Wood, I. Busch-Vishniac, D. Neikirk, and W. Weldon, "Smart
Hydrodynamic Bearing Applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems,"
American Society of Mechanical Engineers' 1995 International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, Nov. 12-17, 1995.
81. B.-T. Lee, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Efficient
3-D Series Impedance Extraction using Effective Internal Impedance,"
IEEE 4th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging,
Portland, OR, October 1-4, 1995, pp. 220-222.
82. V. Gupta and D. P. Neikirk, "Design
of an Eddy-Current Proximity Sensor using a Two-Coil Planar Transformer,"
in Micromached Devices and Components, Ray Roop, Kevin Chau, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2642, pp. 173-182, Austin, Texas, USA, 23-24 October, 1995.
83. Y. Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Micromachined
Fabry-Perot Pressure Transducer with Optical Fiber Interconnects,"
in Micromached Devices and Components, Ray Roop, Kevin Chau, Editors, Proc.
SPIE 2642, pp. 242-249, Austin, Texas, USA, 23-24 October, 1995.
84. Kristin L. Wood, Dean Neikirk, Ilene Busch-Vishniac, and William Weldon,
"MEMS Hydrodynamic Bearings: Applications and Implications to Machine-Failure
Prevention," Proceedings of a Joint Conference on Integrated Monitoring,
Diagnostics and Failure Prevention, Joint Oil Analysis program Technical
Support Center, University of Wales, Swansea, Mobile, AL, April 22-26, 1996,
pp. 363-372.
85. S. Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Compact
Equivalent Circuit Model for the Skin Effect," 1996 IEEE-MTT-S
International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, California, June 17-21,
1996, pp. 1815-1818.
86. J. Han, D. P. Neikirk, M. Clevenger, and J. T. McDevitt, "Fabrication
and characterization of a Fabry-Perot based chemical sensor," SPIE
Microelectronic Structures and MEMS for Optical Processing II, M. E. Motamedi
and W. Bailey, editors, Proc. SPIE 2881, Austin, Texas, USA, 14-15 October,
1996, pp. 171-178.
87. J. Han and D. P. Neikirk, "Deflection
behavior of Fabry-Perot pressure sensors having planar and corrugated membrane,"
SPIE's Micromachining and Microfabrication '96 Symposium: Micromachined
Devices and Components II, R. Roop and K. Chau, Proc. SPIE 2882, Austin,
Texas, USA, 14-15 October, 1996, pp. 79-90.
88. B.-T. Lee and D. P. Neikirk, "Minimum Segmentation in the Surface Ribbon Method for Series Impedance Calculations of Microstrip Lines," IEEE 5th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, Napa, CA, October 28-30, 1996, pp. 233-235.
89. S. -J. Yoo, J. Lavigne, S. Savoy, J. B. McDoniel, E. V. Anslyn, J. T. McDevitt, D. P. Neikirk, J. B. Shear, "Micromachined storage wells for chemical sensing beads in an 'artificial tongue'," SPIE's Micromachining and Microfabrication '97 Symposium: Micromachined Devices and Components III, K. Chau and P. J. French, editors, Proc. SPIE 3224, Austin, Texas, USA, 29-30 September, 1997.
90. Sangwoo Kim and Dean P. Neikirk, "Time Domain Multiconductor Transmission Line Analysis Using Effective Internal Impedance," IEEE 6th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, San Jose, CA, October 27 - 29, 1997, pp 255-258.
91. S.-J. Yoo, R. Friar, and D.
P. Neikirk, “Analytic modeling of monolithic inductors on semiconductor
substrates,” IEEE Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic
Packaging, , Oct 26-28, 1998, pp. 219-222.
92. S. Savoy, J. J. Lavigne, J.
S.-J. Yoo, J. Wright, M. Rodriguez, A. Goodey, B. McDoniel, J. T. McDevitt, E.
V. Anslyn, J. B. Shear, A. Ellington, and D. P. Neikirk, “Solution-based
analysis of multiple analytes by a sensor array: toward the development of an
electronic tongue,” SPIE Chemical Microsensors and Applications, Vol. 3539,
Boston, MA, Nov. 4, 1998, pp. 17-26.
93. J. J. Lavigne, A. Metzger,
K. Niikura, L. A. Cabell, S. M. Savoy, J. S. Yoo, J. T. McDevitt, D. P. Neikirk,
J. B. Shear, and E. V. Anslyn, “Single-analyte to multianalyte fluorescence
sensors,” SPIE Advances in Fluorescence Sensing Technology IV, S. A. Soper and
R. B. Thompson, Vol. 3602, Boston, MA, May, 1999, pp. 220-231.
94. R. J. Friar and D. P.
Neikirk, “Experimental Determination of the Importance of Inductance in
Sub-Micron Microstrip Lines,” IEEE 1999 International Interconnect Technology
Conference, San Francisco, May 24-26, 1999, pp. 176-177.
95. Eames, Sara J.; Yoo, J. Seung-Jin; Warner, John C.;
Neikirk, Dean P.; McDevitt, John Thomas, “Lithographically patterned
superconductor bolometer detectors for visible and near-infrared radiation
incorporating wavelength-selective light-absorbing elements,” Proc. SPIE-Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.
(1999), 3790 (Engineered Nanostructural Films and Materials), pp.
160-168, July 23, 1999.
96. R. Friar and D. P. Neikirk, “Limitations due to systematic phase
errors on the extraction of loss tangent from micron-sized transmission line
test structures,” IEEE Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic
Packaging, San Diego, CA, October 25-27, 1999, p. 67-70
1. P.E. Young, Q.-X. Yu, W. A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., D.P. Neikirk,
and D.B. Rutledge, "Application of Far-Infrared Imaging Arrays to Plasma
Density and Magnetic Field Measurements," 4th APS Topical Conference
on High Temperature, 1982.
2. P.E. Young, Q.-X. Yu, W.A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., D.P. Neikirk,
and D.B. Rutledge, "Demonstration of Far-Infrared Phase Imaging,"
24th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, La., November,
3. P. E. Young, W.A. Peebles, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., R.J. Taylor, D.B. Rutledge,
D.P. Neikirk, and P.P. Tong, "Current Profile Measurements in a Tokamak
Plasma," 25th Ann. APS Meeting, Div. of Plasma Physics, Nov., 1983.
4. D.B. Rutledge, D.P. Neikirk, P.P. Tong, P.E. Young, W.A. Peebles, N.C.
Luhmann, Jr., and R.J. Taylor, "Demonstration of a FIR Imaging System
as a Multi-Channel Interferometer," 25th Ann. APS Meeting, Div. of
Plasma Physics, Nov., 1983.
5. P.E. Young, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., R.J. Taylor, D.P. Neikirk, and D.B. Rutledge,
26th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Boston, MA, Oct 29-
Nov 2, 1984.
6. D.L. Brower, W.A. Peebles, S. Kim, R.L. Savage, Jr., T. Lehecka, N.C.
Luhmann, Jr., J. Wagner, D.B. Rutledge, D.P. Neikirk, P.E. Young, and H.K.
Park, "Recent advances in multichannel far-infrared collective scattering
and interferometry systems," Eleventh Symposium on Fusion Engineering,
Austin, TX, Nov. 18-22, 1985.
7. A.C. Campbell, V.P. Kesan, G.E. Crook, C.M. Maziar, D.P. Neikirk, and
B.G. Streetman, "Capacitive Hysteresis Effects in 5.0nm single and
double barrier AlAs Tunneling Structures," 8th Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Workshop, Los Angeles CA, September 9-11, 1987.
8. A.C. Campbell, V.P. Kesan, G.E. Crook, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman,
"Capacitance Transient Analysis of GaAs/AlAs Tunneling Structures,"
1988 Electronics Materials Conference, University of Colorado, Boulder,
Colorado, June 22-24, 1988.
9. V.P. Kesan, A. Dodabalapur, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Influence
of MBE Growth and Rapid Thermal Annealing Conditions on the Electrical Properties
of Normal and Inverted AlGaAs/InGaAs Pseudomorphic HEMT Structures,"
IEEE 46th Annual Device Research Conference, June 20-22, 1988, Boulder,
10. A. Dodabalapur, V.P. Kesan, T.R. Block, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman,
"Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Normal and Inverted AlGaAs/InGaAs
Pseudomorphic HEMT Structures Processed by RTA," 9th Molecular Beam
Epitaxy Workshop, West Lafayette, Indiana, September 21-23, 1988.
11. A. Sharif, D.P. Neikirk, and D.R. Diller, "Design and Fabrication
of a Multi-Sensor Cryomicroscope Stage using VLSI Technology," Cryo
89, Charleston, SC, June 1989, published in Physics in Medicine and Biology
12. A. Dodabalapur, V.P. Kesan, D.P. Neikirk, B.G. Streetman, M.H. Herman,
and I.D. Ward, "Photoluminescence and Electroreflectance Characterization
of Modulation-Doped Quantum Wells," Journal of Electronic Materials
18, July 1989, p. 51.
13. V.K. Reddy and D.P. Neikirk, "Influence of Growth Interruption
on I - V Characteristics of AlAs/GaAs Double Barrier Resonant Tunneling
Diodes," 11th Annual Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Austin TX, Sept.
16-18, 1991.
14. A.J. Tsao, V.K. Reddy, D.R.Miller, K.K. Gullapalli, and D.P. Neikirk,
"The effect of barrier thickness asymmetries on the electrical characteristics
of AlAs/GaAs double barrier resonant tunneling diodes," 11th Annual
Molecular Beam Epitaxy Workshop, Austin TX, Sept. 16-18 1991.
15. T.R. Block, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "MBE growth condition
dependence of RHEED dampening and QW photoluminescence," Twelfth North
American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 12-14,
16. T.J. Mattord, D.P. Neikirk, A. Srinivasan, A. Tang, K. Sadra, Y.C. Shih,
and B.G. Streetman, "Real time flux monitoring and feedback control
of a valved arsenic source" Twelfth North American Conference on Molecular
Beam Epitaxy, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 12-14, 1992.
17. Y.C. Shih, D.P. Neikirk, and B.G. Streetman, "Effects of As flux
on Si d-doped GaAs," Twelfth North American Conference on Molecular
Beam Epitaxy, Ottawa, Canada, Oct. 12-14, 1992.
18. Y. Kim and D.P. Neikirk, "Monolithically integrated optically interrogated
pressure microsensor," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 92, No. 4 (pt.
2), October 1992, p. 2353.
19. O. Hartin, D. P.
Neikirk, A. Anselm, and B. Streetman, “Memory Switching Simulation in Resonant
Tunneling Devices,” 1997 American
Physical Society March Meeting, Kansas City, MO, March 17-21, Bulletin of the
American Physical Society, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997, p. 548.
20. O. Hartin and D.
P. Neikirk, “Tight Binding Simulation of Memory Switching in Resonant
Tunneling Devices,” 1997 American Physical Society International Conference on
Computational Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, Aug. 25, 1997.
21. D. Neikirk, "Embedded Passive Sensors for State
Monitoring," presented at NSF Workshop on Exploring the Uses of
Autoadaptive Media in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Austin, TX, January
10-12 2001.
22. Lavigne, John J.; Savoy, Steve; Best, Michael; Anslyn,
Eric V.; Shear, Jason B.; McDevitt, John T.; Neikirk, Dean, “Toward the
development of an ‘electronic tongue’,” Book of Abstracts, 219th ACS
National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 26-30, 2000 (2000), AGFD-193.
23. Wood, Sharon;
Neikirk, Dean, “Development of a passive sensor to detect cracks in welded
steel construction,” US-Japan Joint Workshop and Third Grantees Meeting,
US-Japan Cooperative Rsearch in Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation,
Monbu-Kgagku-sho and The National Science Foundation, Seattle, August 15-16,
24. McCleskey, Shawn C.; Goodey, Adrian P.; Rodriguez,
Marc D.; McDevitt, John T.; Anslyn, Eric V.; Neikirk, Dean P., “Development of
a multi-component sensor array for the simultaneous detection of various
analytes in solution,” Abstracts of Papers, 222nd ACS National Meeting,
Chicago, IL, United States, August 26-30, 2001.
V. Kesan and D.P. Neikirk, "Quantum Well Devices," Microwaves
and RF, vol. 25, July 1986, pp. 93-97.
D.P. Neikirk, P. Cheung, M.S. Islam, and T. Itoh, "Optically Controlled
Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifters," Microwave Journal, Dec.
1989, pp. 77-88.
D.P. Neikirk, "Quantum Wells and Other Deep Subjects," Discovery,
Vol. 11, No. 3, 1989, pp. 5-8.
S. M. Wentworth, J. M. Lewis, and D. P. Neikirk, "Antenna-Coupled Thermal
Detectors of mm-Wave Radiation," Microwave Journal, Jan. 1993,
pp. 94-103.
D.B. Rutledge, D.P. Neikirk, and D. Kasilingam "Integrated- Circuit
Antennas," in Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol. 11, editor
K.J. Button, 1984.
C-K Tzuang, D. P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Finite Element Analysis
of Slow-Wave Schottky Contact Printed Lines," Microwave Laboratory
Report No. 87-P-2, AFOSR Grant 86-0036, Feb., 1987.
D.P. Neikirk and T. Itoh, "Monolithic Phase Shifter Study," Microwave
Laboratory Report No. 87-P-3, AFOSR Grant 86-0036, Jan., 1987.
V. P. Kesan and D. P. Neikirk, "Quantum Well Devices," Electrical
Engineering Research Laboratory Report No. 87-P-8, Joint Services Electronics
Program Research Contract AFOSR F49620-86-C-0045, August 7, 1987.
Stuart M. Wentworth and D. P. Neikirk, "High Frequency Characteristics
of Tape Automated Bonding (TAB) Interconnects," Microwave Laboratory
Report No. 87-P-7, August 26, 1987.
Stuart M. Wentworth and D. P. Neikirk, "Characterization of Tape Automated
Bonding (TAB) Interconnects at High Frequency ," Microwave Laboratory
Report No. 87-P-9, October 23, 1987.
D.P. Neikirk and T. Itoh, "Monolithic Phase Shifter Study," Microwave
Laboratory Report No. 90-P-1, Final Technical Report for AFOSR Grant 86-0036,
Feb., 1990.
A. Mortazawi, D. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Microwave and millimeter wave
oscillators and planar power combining structures for QWITT and Gunn diodes,"
Microwave Laboratory Report No. 90-P-4, Technical Report for ARO Grant DAAL03-88-K-0005
and JSEP Grant F49620-89-0044, Aug., 1990.
US Patent # 5,080,870: "Sublimating
and Cracking Apparatus," Jan. 14, 1992
Inventors: B.G. Streetman, T.J. Mattord, D.P. Neikirk
US Patent # 5,408,107: "Semiconductor
Device Having Multiple Current-Voltage Curves and Zero-Bias Memory,"
April 18, 1995
Inventors: Dean P. Neikirk and Kiran Kumar Gullapalli
Introduction to Microwave Engineering
VLSI Fabrication Techniques
Integrated Circuit Fabrication
Solid State Microwave
Electromagnetics of Packaging
Simulations Methods
Continuing Education Courses Taught
"Microelectronics Fabrication - Chemical Aspects," with Isaac Trachtenberg, Continuing Engineering Studies, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, June 1-4, 1987.
"Integrated Circuit Process & Design," with M. R. Mercer, Motorola short course, Continuing Engineering Studies, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (1987-1990)
"Integrated Circuit Processing and Design," with L. T. Pillage, Advanced Micro Devices short course, Continuing Engineering Studies, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin:
"Microelectronics Fabrication," for the Fellows of the Senior Service College Fellowship Program, Continuing Engineering Studies, College of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1993-1996.
Grant title: Monolithic Phase Shifter Study
Co-principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk, T. Itoh
Sponsoring Agency: Air Force Office of Scientific Research
beginning: Nov. 1, 1985
ending: Oct. 31, 1988
Grant title: Integrated Millimeter Wave and Optoelectronic Components for
Very High
Speed Communications Applications
Principal Investigator: D.P. Neikirk
Co-investigators: B.G. Streetman, T. Itoh, A.B. Buckman
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Technology Research Program
beginning: Nov. 6, 1985
ending: Aug. 31, 1987
Grant title: Multilayer Heterojunctions in III-V Semiconductors
Principal Investigator: B. G. Streetman
Co-investigators: D.P. Neikirk, J.L. Erskine, L. Kleinman, F. Matsen, J.
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Technology Research Program
beginning: Nov. 6, 1985
ending: Aug. 31, 1987
Grant title: Molecular Beam Epitaxy with High Speed Device Applications
Co-Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk, B.G. Streetman
Sponsoring Agency: Joint Services Electronics Program
beginning: April, 1986
ending: March, 1989
Grant title: Millimeter-Wave Monolithic Array Components
Co-Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk, T. Itoh
Sponsoring Agency: Joint Services Electronics Program
beginning: April, 1986
ending: March, 1989
Grant title: Presidential Young Investigator Award
Principal Investigator: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: National Science Foundation
beginning: May 1, 1986
ending: 1/31/91
Grant title: 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant
Principal Investigator: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: 3M Corporation
amount: $ 11,000
beginning: July, 1986
Grant title: 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant
Principal Investigator: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: 3M Corporation
beginning: July, 1987
Grant title: Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth for Non-alloyed Ohmic Contacts
to GaAs
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Instruments
beginning: Sept. 1, 1987
ending: Aug. 31, 1988
Grant title: Microelectronics Manufacturing Engineering Curriculum Development
Principal Investigator: Willis Adcock
Sponsoring Agency: Semiconductor Research Corporation
beginning: Jan. 1, 1988
ending: Dec. 31, 1989
Grant title: Heterostructure Tunneling Devices for Ultra-high Speed Device
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk and B. G. Streetman
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Technology Program
beginning: June 15, 1988
ending: Aug. 31, 1990
Grant title: Quantum Transport Studies of Single and Double Barrier Heterostructures
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Research Program
beginning: June 15, 1988
ending: Aug. 31, 1990
Grant title: Magnetically Levitated Microrobots, Emerging Technology Initiative
on Microelectromechanical Engineering
Principal Investigators: Ilene Busch-Vishniac, J. Beaman, A.B. Buckman,
S.I. Marcus, G.Y. Masada. D.P. Neikirk, A. Tasch
Sponsoring Agency: National Science Foundation
beginning: July, 1988
ending: Aug. 31, 1991
Grant title: Heterostructure Device Development
Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Joint Services Electronics Program
beginning: April, 1989
ending: March, 1991
Grant title: Millimeter-Wave Active Guided Wave Structures
Co-Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk, T. Itoh
Sponsoring Agency: Joint Services Electronics Program
beginning: April, 1989
ending: March, 1991
Grant title: Quantum Well Device-based Circuits for Millimeter Wave Communications
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk and T. Itoh
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Technology Program
beginning: Jan., 1990
ending: Aug. 31, 1992
Grant title: Quantum Transport Models for Heterostructures Devices
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Research Program
beginning: Jan., 1990
ending: Aug. 31, 1992
Grant title: Microwave/Millimeter Wave Hybrid Microelectronic Circuits
Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Joint Services Electronics Program
beginning: April, 1992
ending: March, 1995
Grant title: Journal and Thrust Bearings with Active Deformable Surfaces
Co-Principal Investigators: I. Busch-Vishniac, D.P. Neikirk, W. Weldon,
and K. Wood.
Sponsoring Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
beginning: Sept. 1, 1992
ending: Sept. 30, 1995
Grant title: A Unified CAD Tool for Integrated Systems
Co-Principal Investigators: M.R. Mercer, D.P. Neikirk, and L.T. Pillage.
Sponsoring Agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
beginning: March 1, 1993
ending: Feb. 28, 1995
Grant title: Multi-State Quantum Storage Devices
Co-Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk and E.J. Powers.
Sponsoring Agency: DoD Augmentation Awards for Science and Engineering Research
Training (AASERT)
beginning: Sept. 1, 1993
ending: Aug. 31, 1996
Grant title: An Efficient Methodology for Design Automation of Application
Specific Multi-Chip Modules
Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk and L. T. Pillage
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Technology Program
beginning: Jan. 1994
ending: Aug. 1995
Grant title: Thermal Analysis and Electronic Test of Multi Chip Modules
Co-Principal Investigators: L.T. Pillage and D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: DoD Augmentation Awards for Science and Engineering Research
Training (AASERT)
beginning: Fall, 1994
ending: Fall, 1997
Grant title: Modeling and Design for Reduced Cross Talk in Mixed Signal
Analog / Digital IC Packages for Wireless Applications
Co-Principal Investigators: D. P. Neikirk and Guanghan Xu
Sponsoring Agency: DoD Advanced Research Projects Agency
beginning: Fall, 1995
ending: Fall, 1998
Grant title: Modeling and High Frequency Characterization of Low K Dielectrics
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: SEMATECH
beginning: March 1996
ending: March 1997
Grant title: Modeling (Electromagnetic) of Multilevel Interconnects for
Capacitance, Conductance, Delay, and Crosstalk for Various Al and Cu Based
Principal Investigator: D. P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: SEMATECH
beginning: March 1996
ending: March 1997
Grant title: Design, Growth, and Fabrication of New Memory Switching Quantum
Storage Devices
Principal Investigators: D.P. Neikirk
Sponsoring Agency: Texas Advanced Research Program
beginning: Jan. 1996
ending: Aug. 1998
Vita for Dean P. Neikirk:
Dean P. Neikirk was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on October 31, 1957. He received the B.S. degree (1979) in physics from Oklahoma State University, and the M.S. (1981) and Ph.D. (1984) degrees in applied physics from the California Institute of Technology. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 1984, and is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, holding the Cullen Trust for Higher Education Professorship in Engineering (No. 7). Dr. Neikirk developed the first monolithic, high resolution focal plane detector array for use at wavelengths between 0.1 mm and 1 mm, and in 1984 received the Marconi International Fellowship Young Scientist Award "for contributions to the development of millimeter wave integrated circuits especially in the area of detectors and imaging arrays." He has also been named a 1986 National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator.
Dr. Neikirk's current research interests concentrate on the fabrication and modeling of electromagnetic and micromachined sensors and actuators. His work also includes projects involving integrated circuit processing and the high frequency properties of transmission lines. His work concentrates on the use of advanced fabrication techniques, including silicon micromachining, for new device and transmission line development. Dr. Neikirk developed the teaching laboratory for semiconductor device fabrication at The University of Texas at Austin, and is an active member of The University of Texas at Austin Microelectronics Research Center. Recently Dr. Neikirk’s research project related to the development of new chemical sensors (an “electronic taste” sensor) was selected for a joint commercialization venture between the University of Texas and Labnetics, Inc.