Dean P. Neikirk, "Micro-sensors - what happens when you make "classical" devices "small": integrated bolometric radiation detectors
M. S. Islam, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Accurate Quasi-Static Model for Conductor Loss in Coplanar Waveguide," 1993 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Atlanta, GA, June 15-18, 1993, pp. 959-962.
B.-T. Lee, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Efficient 3-D Series Impedance Extraction using Effective Internal Impedance," IEEE 4th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, Portland, OR, Oct. 2-4, 1995, pp. 220-222.
Y. Kim and D. P. Neikirk, "Surface Micromachined Fabry-Perot Pressure Transducer with Optical Fiber Interconnect," volume SPIE 2642, Micromached Devices and Components, Austin, Texas, USA, 23-24 October, 1995, pp. 242-249.
V. Gupta and D. P. Neikirk, "Design of an Inductive Proximity Sensor using a Two-Coil Planar Transformer," volume SPIE 2642, Micromached Devices and Components, Austin, Texas, USA, 23-24 October, 1995, pp. 173-182.
A post script version of the poster "Compact Equivalent Circuit Models for the Skin Effect" presented at the 1996 International Microwave Symposium (held in San Francisco, June 17-21, 1996) can be down-loaded here (file is approximately 400K in size). A pdf version of the poster "Compact Equivalent Circuit Models for the Skin Effect" is also available (26 slides, about 100K total file size).
J. Han and D. P. Neikirk, "Deflection behavior of Fabry-Perot pressure sensors having planar and corrugated membrane," SPIE's Micromachining and Microfabrication '96 Symposium: Micromachined Devices and Components II, R. Roop and K. Chau, Proc. SPIE 2882, Austin, Texas, USA, 14-15 October, 1996, pp. 79-90.
J. Han, D. P. Neikirk, M. Clevenger, and J. T. McDevitt, "Fabrication and characterization of a Fabry-Perot based chemical sensor," SPIE Microelectronic Structures and MEMS for Optical Processing II, M. E. Motamedi and W. Bailey, editors, Proc. SPIE 2881, Austin, Texas, USA, 14-15 October, 1996, pp. 171-178.
Sangwoo Kim and Dean P. Neikirk , "Time Domain Multiconductor Transmission Line Analysis Using Effective Internal Impedance," IEEE 6h Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging (EPEP97), San Jose, CA, October 27-19, 1997, pp. 255-258.
D. P. Neikirk,"Efficient Conductor Boundary Conditions in the dc to Skin Effect Limit," DARPA MAFET Program Review, Fairfax, VA, Oct. 27-31, 1997.
D. P. Neikirk, "Micro-sensors - what happens when you make "classical" devices "small": MEMS and bolometric IR sensors," kick-off PI meeting for the new MURI program Biological Detection Systems for Electromagnetic Signatures, held on June 16, 1998 at The University of Texas at Austin.
S. Savoy, J. J. Lavigne, J. S.-J. Yoo, J. Wright, M. Rodriguez, A. Goodey, B. McDoniel, J. T. McDevitt, E. V. Anslyn, J. B. Shear, A. Ellington, and D. P. Neikirk, "Solution-based analysis of multiple analytes by a sensor array: toward the development of an electronic tongue," SPIE Conference on Chemical Microsensors and Applications, SPIE Vol. 3539, Boston, MA, Nov. 4, 1998. Slides used in conjunction with our talk.