Research in the Microelectromagnetic Device Group
The University of Texas at Austin
Y. D. Lin, D. P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifter Controlled by a Spatially Periodic Optical Illumination," Int. J. Infrared Millimeter Waves, vol. 8, pp. 1027-1036, 1987.
P. Cheung, D. P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Schottky-biased optically controlled coplanar waveguide phase shifter," Electron. Lett., vol. 25, pp. 1301-1302, 1989.
P. Cheung, D. P. Neikirk, and T. Itoh, "Optically Controlled Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifters," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 38, pp. 586-595, 1990.
P. Cheung, "Coplanar Waveguide Phase-Shifters," 1990, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin.
M. S. Islam, A. J. Tsao, and D. P. Neikirk, "GaAs on Quartz Coplanar Waveguide Phase Shifter," IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Lett., vol. 1, pp. 328-330, 1991.
M. S. Islam, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Calculation of Conductor Loss in Coplanar Waveguide using Conformal Mapping," Electron. Lett., vol. 29, pp. 1189-1191, 1993.
M. S. Islam, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Accurate Quasi-Static Model for Conductor Loss in Coplanar Waveguide," 1993 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Atlanta, GA, June 15-18, 1993, pp. 959-962.
- slides on CPW conductor loss modeling and a comparison to experimental results from our 1993 MTT-S poster .
M. S. Islam, E. Tuncer, and D. P. Neikirk, "Accurate Model for Schottky-Contacted Coplanar Waveguide Including Finite Epilayer Resistance Effects," Electron. Lett., vol. 30, pp. 712-713, 1994.
S. Islam, "Modeling and Experimental Studies of Schottky-Contacted Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines on Semiconductor Substrates," 1994, PhD, The University of Texas at Austin.
A short paper on the behavior of CPW using a "V-groove" ground plane.