Plastic muscles and silicon senses blur the line between man and machine.

Illustration by Danilo Ducak
- A Real Bionic Arm
- Powering And Control
- Bionic Eyes
- Bionic Sounds
- Senses And Sensibilities
- Not Just Body Parts

In a cluttered lab at the University of New Mexico, a replica of a human skeleton slowly–very slowly–pedals an exercise bicycle. This is no parlor trick.
    Myster Bony, as he's called, is moving the pedals with artificial muscles powered by a battery.
    It's been 40 years since Swedish engineer Arne Larsson received the first fully implanted cardiac pacemaker at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Since then, researchers throughout the world have looked for ways to improve people's lives with artificial, bionic devices.
    Their efforts have produced smaller and smaller pacemakers, devices that help deaf children hear and implantable pumps that carry the load for diseased hearts until suitable human transplants can be found.
    As for the future, it looks decidedly more natural than the cyborg technology envisioned at the dawn of the bionic age. Take Myster Bony. His muscles are made of materials called ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs) that respond to electricity with elasticity and responsiveness similar to those shown by human muscles. The materials were developed by a team led by Mohsen Shahinpoor, director of the Artificial Muscle Research Institute (AMRI) at the University of New Mexico (UNM).
    Strips of these composites can bend and flap dramatically when an electric current is applied. In this sense they are large-motion actuators–they can move and exert force. Conversely, when a strip is bent, voltage is produced across its thickness, allowing the strip to behave like a sensor that can determine a given level of force and motion. These two abilities–to move and to provide feedback– drive Myster Bony on his exercise bicycle. All it takes is a power supply.

    Another type of artificial muscle being developed at AMRI is made of a synthetic fiber that has been baked and boiled in a chemical solution. The treatment imparts strength and gives the fabric elasticity that varies in the presence of an electric current. The result: materials that can expand and contract just like living tissue.
    Researchers envision a synthetic muscle that could translate electrical impulses from the nervous system into motion. However, that goal is still a long way off. In the short term, Shahinpoor believes artificial muscles could be used to boost the strength of ailing hearts, eliminating some heart transplants. He also imagines exoskeletons for disabled patients or astronauts, artificial larynxes, and sensors for diagnosing spinal-cord injuries. Eventually, his synthetic muscles could be attached to artificial tendons, which recently have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in human patients.

A Real Bionic Arm

In Myster Bony (right), a flow of current through the artificial muscle causes the material to contract (top) or elongate (bottom). Electrical change within the material also provides feedback for control circuits that tell muscles how to move.
Artificial muscles aren't the only electromechanical tools being developed to facilitate human movement. This past summer, Campbell Aird, a hotel owner in Scotland, received a bionic arm that had been developed by the Prosthetics Research and Development Team at Princess Margaret Rose Orthopedic Hospital in Edinburgh. The arm uses electronics for control and power. Known as EMAS (Edinburgh Modular Arm System), the arm is equipped with battery-powered motors and epicyclical gearboxes. It replaced the prosthetic limb Aird had worn since his own right arm was amputated 16 years ago as a result of cancer.
    The motors in Aird's arm are mounted inside lightweight, rigid tubes of carbon fiber. The gearboxes are connected to a worm-and-wheel assembly that converts the mechanical power of the gearbox into rotary motion. The smallest motors and gearboxes power fingers and the thumb, while larger motors power the wrist, elbow and shoulder. The arm is covered with lifelike silicone rubber.
    David Gow, head of the team that developed the device, says EMAS was the first prosthesis to have a fully powered electrical shoulder. In previous artificial arms, power had been limited to wrists, elbows and hands. The arm is powered by rechargeable 12-volt batteries.
    Modern prostheses like Aird's new arm have a wider range of motion than ever before and look more like the limbs they're replacing. Take the case of 10-year-old Melissa Del Pozzo. Melissa was born without a left hand and lower forearm. Recently, in tests at Rutgers University in New Jersey, she was able to make electrical traces on a computer screen by moving either a tendon or a muscle that would have been used to flex her thumb, if she had one. A sensor attached to the skin just below Melissa's elbow detected the slight movements and relayed them to the computer screen.
The Edinburgh bionic arm can replace conventional "muscle-powered" artificial arms.

    Melissa will soon be outfitted with what just may be the first dexterous prosthesis. To fit her with a hand and control apparatus, researchers at Rutgers' department of biomedical engineering, in Piscataway, N.J., will fashion a silicone sleeve equipped with pressure sensors inside. On top of the sleeve will sit a hard plastic socket that serves as an exoskeleton on which to anchor the hand. The hand itself is a commercial wooden product used on other prostheses. It is fitted with electromagnets that move each of three fingers separately. When a tendon moves, the sensor, which consists of a small diaphragm, emits a puff of air that travels through a tube to a transducer. In turn, the transducer senses the pressure and transmits a precise electric signal to the artificial hand.
    William Craelius, the principal researcher and an associate professor of biomedical engineering at Rutgers, decided to focus on a tendon-actuated system because previous teams had found it difficult to isolate the muscle groups that can move individual fingers. Eventually, the dexterous prosthesis may allow amputees to do such previously impossible tasks as playing musical instruments and typing.

Powering And Control

Heart assist pumps help patients live at home while awaiting transplants.
Providing power to run bionic implants and making connections to the brain's control system pose the two great challenges for biomedical engineering.
    In the mid-1970s, Medronics, a leading medical engineering firm, was trying to develop a nuclear-powered heart pacemaker. About the same time, engineers at Drexel University in Philadelphia maintained a dog's heartbeat using pacemakers with a fuel cell that ran on the electricity generated by chemical reactions between the dog's body and a block of aluminum. Neither alternative energy source proved practical. For now, and perhaps decades to come, batteries of all shapes and sizes will figure large in the future of bionics.
    As for controlling movement, the ultimate goal is to tap into the nervous system. Researchers at the University of Michigan (UM) Center for Neural Communication Technology are attempting to do just that. Here, they've developed probes so precise they can stimulate or detect signals from individual nerve cells. The probes (right) are only about the size of the date stamped on a penny.
This probe solves one of the most technically difficult tasks, making a physical connection between a living nerve and electric current.

    The probes are made of precisely etched silicon substrates covered with thin conductive films, and insulated above and below. The upper surface is patterned using a dry etching process. Tiny openings on the upper surface of the probe shank are inlaid with gold or iridium, which are compatible with nerve tissue. These are the spots where man melds with machine.
    With sponsorship from the National Institutes of Health's Neural Prosthesis Program, the number of probe designs has grown and UM has provided more than 1000 devices to investigators.

Bionic Eyes

One of the most dramatic applications of bionics is the creation of artificial eyes. Artificial retinas, in particular, are showing great promise. Researchers have long known that damaged photoreceptors in the eye could be bypassed (see diagram on page 55). A device that stimulated the retinal ganglion cells–connected to the optic nerve–could transmit visual information to the brain. Now, a new technology promises to replace the retina, allowing the blind to see.
    Working jointly, researchers at North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina and Johns Hopkins University have created the implantable Artificial Retina Component Chip (ARCC). The ARCC consists of a silicon microchip embedded with photosensor cells and electrodes. It would be implanted near the vision center of the retina. Light and images entering the pupil would pass through the ARCC's front surface and strike photosensors on the back of the chip. The photosensor array would convert the image pattern of light and dark into electric impulses, much as a healthy eye's rods and cones do. The impulses would stimulate nerves behind the retina, sending the information to the brain.

One promising approach is to use a camera to "simplify" the view of the world and transmit an easier-to-decode signal to the sensor, which is implanted on the retina.

    The device is not expected to produce full, clear vision. Instead, it would allow the patient to perceive basic shapes, the direction of movements, and the boundaries between contrasting objects.

Bionic Sounds

Cochlear transplant research has been around since the 1950s. In essence, cochlear implants provide electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve. The implant sends sound waves into the auditory pathway after converting them into electrical energy. Today, in addition to numerous research institutions developing bionic hearing devices, several companies are already selling commercial products. Although there are differences in each product, they all work essentially the same way.
    Even in the profoundly deaf, at least one-third of the 30,000 fibers that stimulate the auditory nerve survive and are responsive, capable of transmitting to the brain's hearing center. Signals to this center are triggered by the cochlear implant.
    Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sound, the cochlear implant–or bionic ear–trades in electricity. Surgeons implant the device in the mastoid bone and inner ear through an incision behind the ear. A small speech processor converts sound, picked up by an external mike, into an electrical signal. The signal is fed through the transmitter coil to the implanted receiver. Electrodes in the inner ear bypass the damaged area of the ear and create a nerve impulse that stimulates the auditory cortex of the brain.
    Artificial cochleas will not benefit all deaf people. Adults who have never heard are not suitable candidates, doctors say, because the auditory part of their brains will not respond to the stimuli.
    In an entirely different approach, Jonathan Spindel, a biomedical engineer and assistant professor at the University of Virginia's department of otolaryngology, is developing an implanted "invisible" magnetic hearing aid. "Our tests to date have shown that the signals produced with our magnetic hearing device are very nearly those of natural acoustic sound," says Spindel.

The cochlea (inset) is filled with hairlike structures that stimulate nerves. Naturally it is stimulated by changes in air pressure. Here, it's artificially stimulated by the implant.

    In this approach, the device captures sounds with a miniature microphone implanted in the ear. After passing through a small processing unit and an electromagnetic coil, both also implanted, amplified vibrations would be sent to the inner ear via a tiny magnet attached to the inner ear's round window, a thin membrane at one end of the cochlea. The magnet, about as large as a pencil point, would send vibrations through the cochlea, stimulating the thousands of hair cells used in normal hearing.
    Spindel says an advantage of his approach is that the device doesn't obstruct the normal hearing process. "Establishing a second independent input pathway to the inner ear opens the possibility for using the normal acoustic pathway and round window electromagnet simultaneously to establish constructive and destructive sound patterns in the inner ear."
    Also, since the new hearing device uses magnetic rather than acoustic vibrations, feedback–a common problem in conventional hearing aids–is eliminated.

Senses And Sensibilities

The nose is nature's own chemical analysis system. ORNL's sensors and circuitry can differentiate among odors. The circuitry hardware can be compressed onto a computer chip.
Unlike sight and hearing, scientists know little about the human senses of smell and taste. Nevertheless, they have been able to re-create these abilities. They try to mimic human noses by using sensors that can detect a variety of volatile compounds.
    For example, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL), in Oak Ridge, Tenn., a "nose on a chip" is proving able to sniff out mercury, carbon monoxide and other chemicals. It consists of an array of minuscule sensors on one integrated circuit, with the electronics on a separate one. By selectively coating the arrays with different chemicals, researchers can customize the chip to detect virtually any odor.
    At the University of Texas (UT) in Austin, researchers have developed an electronic tongue that mimics the human ability to detect sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes.
    To do this, the team attached four different chemical sensors to tiny beads made of polyethylene glycol and polystyrene. The beads were then positioned in micromachined wells on a silicon wafer. The sensors represent various combinations of the four different taste elements with combinations of the colors red, green and blue. For example, when exposed to an acidic "taste" one sensor turns yellow. It becomes purple when a basic mixture is sensed.

Taste can be roughly duplicated with UT's optoelectronic system. Different chemical properties cause sensing beads in the silicon taste bud (left and middle) to change color. Electronic circuitry expresses the color change as "taste." As on a real tongue (left), different parts of the silicon tongue (right) are sensitive to different compounds.

    Bionic noses and tongues are simply laboratory tools at this time, and there are no plans to incorporate them into humans in the future.
    Not yet, at least.

Not Just Body Parts

Bionic devices are being developed to do more than replace defective parts. Researchers are also using them to fight illnesses.
    For instance, the NeuroCybernetic Prosthesis (NCP) system is designed to provide relief for the hundreds of thousands who currently suffer from debilitating epileptic seizures.
    Recent research proves that vagus nerve stimulation alters or modulates blood flow in areas of the brain where seizures are known to start or spread. Acting as a "pacemaker for the brain," the NCP system, manufactured by Cyberonics, delivers a unique therapy, called Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), to individuals unable to control their disorder using drug therapy or surgery. This device, roughly the size of a pocket watch, is implanted in the patient's chest with small wires leading to the vagus nerve in the neck. The device sends precisely timed and measured electrical pulses to the nerve, which controls the activity of several internal organs. It has been proven to decrease or even eliminate seizures.

A sensor detects a seizure before it becomes pronounced and sends an electronic impulse to the vagus nerve. This prevents the seizure from escalating.

    With the technology to link man's nerves to electronic circuits progressing rapidly, it is only a matter of time before our brains can communicate with bionic devices. Then we will be at the threshold of making a true "bionic man."