Mr. Olin Lee Hartin

Local Address Permanent Address
1200 Sunrise #804 14403 Chevy Chase
Round Rock, Tx 78664 Houston, Tx 77077
512-388-9428 713-497-8012

Objective To do research or development on silicon or compound semiconductor devices.

Education PhD, Electrical Engineering, May 1997
The University of Texas at Austin

Master of Science, Electrical Engineering, May 1993
University of Houston

Master of Science, Physics, December 1991
University of New Orleans

Bachelor of Science, Physics, May 1979
Texas A&M University


Related Courses

Semiconductor Physics, Opto Electronic Devices, Projects in Optics, Semiconductor Lasers, Intro to Charge Transport, Electromagnetics in Packaging, VLSI Fabrication Techniques, Submicron Device Physics and Technology, Synthesis/Growth/Analysis, Optimal Control Systems, Intro to Numerical Analysis, Intro to Structured Programming, Analog I/O Design, Robotics, Advanced Digital Design, Simulation and Modeling of Semiconductor Devices


Olin L. Hartin,"Design and Simulation of a Third Order Sigma Delta Analog to Digital Converter", University of Houston,1993


Simulation and Fabrication of a Novel Quantum Well Device


06/94 - Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin
wrote a 2d Schrodinger Poisson modeling program to model specific resonant tunneling devices, working on effective mass and tight binding multivalley Schrodinger Poisson algorithms, fabricated two and three terminal resonant tunneling devices using GaAs RIE, PCVD, and selective wet etch processes, made the required masks on a Research Devices Mask generator, made dc measurements of these devices using gpib and labview, assembled a UHV evaporator to do Pd/Ge contacts, did characterization of these devices using confocal microscopy and atomic force microscopy, trained others and maintained a range of equipment.

06/79 - 08/92 Senior Geophysicist, Shell Oil
assignments ranged from technical programming to digital signal processing as well as integrating work from several departments into a presentation to management, worked in a team environment and supervised support staff and other professionals with a multimillion dollar budget, earned a personal recognition award for the financial impact of my problem solving skills.


Skills expert in Fortran & C programming languages
familiar with Aix, Linux, Windows 95, Windows NT
expert in SAS


Publications O.L. Hartin, D.P. Neikirk, A. Anslem,, B. Streetman, "Design and fabrication of a three terminal quantum storage device", Proceedings IEEE/Cornell Conference on Advanced Concepts in High Speed SemiConductor Devices And Circuits,1995,pp.209-218
J. Sarathy, D. C. Diaz, O. L. Hartin, J. C. Campbell, Characteristics of crystallographic gratings, Optics Letters, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1995, pp.228-230

Presentations Olin L. Hartin, Dean P Neikirk, Alex Anselm, and Ben Streetman, Memory Switching Simulation in Resonant Tunneling Devices, APS, March 1997

Employability Status: US Citizen