Wolfhard J. Vogel

Picture of Julius GoldhirshDr. Vogel attended the Technical University of Berlin, Germany before receiving his M.S. and  Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. He is Associate Director of the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory (EERL) of The University of Texas at Austin.

Since 1974, Dr. Vogel has had governmental and industrial support for performing satellite-earth wave propagation research, moving from rain attenuation and depolarization effects at frequencies above 10 GHz to fading effects due to shadowing and multipath for land-mobile and personal satellite communications at frequencies from UHF to K-Band. He is also involved in vector-channel propagation measurements made with the University of Texas ìsmartî antenna testbed.

Dr. Vogel is a Fellow of the IEEE and Chairman for Commission F of the US National Committee of URSI (International Union of Radio Science, Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing) for the years 1997 through 1999. He currently chairs the IEEE Standards Committee for Wave Propagation.
    Dr. Wolfhard J. Vogel 
    EERL/The University of Texas 
    10100 Burnet Road 
    Austin, TX  78758 
    Tel: (512) 471-8608 
    Fax: (512) 471-8609 
    E-mail: wolf_vogel@mail.utexas.edu