Index of Lecture Notes Files
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student in this class to obtain a copy of these viewgraphs; some
material contained on these viewgraphs may be used only on a "fair-use"
educational basis. Password required for access to this material.
- NEW: I am now putting the Powerpoint
files here directly (as well as the pdf versions below) as a Powerpoint show (.pps file). If you right-click the
link and chose "save target as" you can download the file to your computer,
then with Powerpoint already running, chose "open" for that file; you can then print several slides to the
(print the "notes" rather than the slides). If you do not have Powerpoint
please let me know.
- PDF copy of viewgraphs used in lecture.
- introduction to IC fab and
devices (pdf, 520K); 2002 version.
- crystal structure, dopants,
impurities, defects (pdf, 480K); 2002 version.
- bulk crystal growth
and wafer forming (pdf, 598K); 2002 version.
- oxidation (pdf, 498K); 2002 version.
- diffusion (pdf, 413K); 2002 version.
- implant ; (pdf, 443K) 2002 version.
- layer characterization
; (pdf, 517K), 2002 version.
- thin film deposition (PVD
and CVD; pdf, 522K); 2002 version.
- epitaxy (includes only silicon; pdf, 304K); 2002 version.
- metals ; (pdf, 494K) 2002 version.
- lithography (pdf, about
450K); 1999 version.
- etch ; 1999 version.
- final lecture review
slides; 1999 version.