You need the LiveMath plugin for your browser to get this to work. Please see the LiveMath site to get it.
Once you are on the calculator page, enter the microstrip linewidth w, the dielectric slab thickness h, the metal thickness t, and the relative dielectric constant er. To change any of the parameters, just drag across the existing value and type in your new value. For instance, the fifth line has "w = 1" as the default. Now drag across the "1" and type your new value of w. The calculation of w', Zo, ereff, etc. is automatic from there. The units on C are Farad/cm, and on L are Henry/cm.
reference: H. Wheeler, "Transmission-Line Properties of a Strip on a Dielectric Sheet on a Plane," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-25, pp. 631-647, 1977.
Analysis equations:
Design equations: